
E 410 Locust bean gum – EU specifications

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 231/2012 of 9 March 2012


Carob bean gum; Algaroba gum


Locust bean gum is the ground endosperm of the seeds of the strains of carob tree, Cerationia siliqua (L.) Taub. (family Leguminosae). Consists mainly of a high molecular weight hydrocolloidal polysaccharide, composed of galactopyranose and mannopyranose units combined through glycosidic linkages, which may be described chemically as galactomannan

Einecs: 232-541-5

Chemical name:

Chemical formula:

Molecular weight: 50 000-3 000 000

Assay: Galactomannan content not less than 75 %


White to yellowish-white, nearly odourless powder


Test for galactose: Passes test

Test for mannose: Passes test

Microscopic examination: Place some ground sample in an aqueous solution containing 0,5 % iodine and 1 % potassium iodide on a glass slide and examine under microscope. Locust bean gum contains long stretched tubiform cells, separated or slightly interspaced. Their brown contents are much less regularly formed than in guar gum. Guar gum shows close groups of round to pear shaped cells. Their contents are yellow to brown

Solubility: Soluble in hot water, insoluble in ethanol


Loss on drying: Not more than 15 % (105 °C, 5 hours)

Ash: Not more than 1,2 % determined at 800 °C

Protein (N × 6,25): Not more than 7 %

Acid-insoluble matter: Not more than 4 %

Starch: Not detectable by the following method: to a 1 in 10 solution of the sample add a few drops of iodine solution. No blue  colour is produced

Arsenic: Not more than 3 mg/kg

Lead: Not more than 2 mg/kg

Mercury: Not more than 1 mg/kg

Cadmium: Not more than 1 mg/kg

Ethanol and propan-2-ol: Not more than 1 %, single or in combination